Welcome to
Hanabrit German Shepherds
Established 2003, Highland, Michigan
Email me for Puppy Application;
Program |
strive to breed for the Big, Bold & Beautiful
German Shepherd that fits right in
with the family environment.
We are one of a
few 100% raw fed and naturally reared
German Shepherd breeders in the United States.
Planning 2025 litters NOW, get your applications & deposits in
hold your puppy.
contacting me, be persistant !
be offended if I dont get right back to you, call/email again.
I put my dogs first, paperwork & emails get squeezed into my
HANABRIT Standard of Breeding
is a passion to our breeding program here,
to preserve the old, pure bloodlines.
I've continued to research the GSD
bloodlines and strive to breed for the Big,
Bold & Beautiful look, with sound mind and
body. The
Shepherd dog fits right in with the family environment, that is why my
& I love them so (we had Shepherds before &
during the time,
kids were small). I searched for the German Shepherd I
as a
child, the one that would play with us in the yard & protect us
strangers. A Shepherd that was squarely built, with muscle front
with a very slight angulation and a pretty head, and a huggable
Our dogs are observant, obedient and a pleasant member of the
household, quiet
in their own environment, especially with children and other animals,
and at
ease with adults. Overall, they present a harmonious picture of innate
nobility, alertness and self-confidence. We breed for a medium
straight backed dog to fit into the family environment, with
temperament to be
a Good Canine Citizen, to do therapy work and totally trustworthy with
our most
prized possessions, kids & grandkids.
carefully screen all potential puppy buyers
and require a huge amount of information before deeming them an
home. Yes, even for "pet quality" puppies. I have and will refuse a
sale, if I do not think the person would make a good life-long home for
pup. Starting with a 2 page application, then I call and visit local
and for non-locals, I google their address to see location and
neighborhood. I
offer a 2 year written hip and temperament guarantee. After Application
a non-refundable, but litter transferable deposit of $200 for a puppy
required. I will NOT sell 2 puppies at the same time to the
family. Or sell a puppy into a family that already has a puppy under 2
yrs old.
Puppy Pricing
Limited AKC Registration $1300.oo (No Breeding Rights)
Breeders Pick(1st pick)Limited AKC Registration $1500.oo (No Breeding Rights)
FULL AKC Registration $3500.oo(Breeding Rights)
$200.oo deposit(non-refundable, but is transferable) is required
& will be applied toward the purchase price.
Veterans, Firefighters
and Police families receive a $100.oo discount
Breeder reserves the right to retain pick male and female from each
litter, with puppy selections of buyers being in the order in which
deposits are received after Breeders picks" (Pick of Litter puppies may
be available(usually $1800.oo) at Breeders discretion). All
puppies are sold with non-breeding AKC Limited registration unless
otherwise agreed in writing by Breeder. A Limited to Full breeding rights can only be
amended by a subsequent
written agreement signed by both parties.
Future Litters
Get your application in asap for upcoming litters.
carefully screen all potential puppy buyers
and require a huge amount of information before deeming them an
home. Yes, even for "pet quality" puppies. I have and will refuse a
sale, if I do not think the person
would make a good life-long home for
Starting with a 2 page application, then I call and have been known to visit local
and, I google their address to see location and
neighborhood. I
offer a 2 year written hip
and temperament guarantee.
Please know,
most breeders dont breed for a medium drive
or therapy temperament, as we do.
searching for your next furkid, make sure you ask about drives, health
& titles.
If any of their dogs or pups do schutzund, that is
to say it is bad, as my dogs will do 2 of the 3 trainings in
SchH. Tracking & Obedience, just not the bite work.
They learn it, but dont have much "fight" drive to title in that discipline.
Another factor is larger size, so unless the helper is a larger
fellow, most aren't going to train with a bigger dog up on his back
legs, as which will be required come trial time, so this can become a
issue...where not being used to dancing on a sleeve on only rear legs
may cause the dog to let-go of the sleeve.
Our dogs are a blend of lines, a process that's
taken over a twenty years.
Bear had Swiss Working line in his pedigree, Phenyx came with Working
lines in her's, same with Zeus. It's a balancing act, and we
seek to
co-create dogs with medium aggression levels on purpose.
a non-refundable, but litter transferable
deposit of $200 for a puppy
I will NOT
sell 2 puppies at the same time to the same
Or sell a puppy into a family that already has a puppy under 1.5
yrs old.
(I believe every pup deserves an undivided attention to learn, then
they can help with the next pup)
Veterans, Firefighters and Police organizations receive a $100.oo
Puppy Pricing
Limited AKC Registration $1300.oo (No Breeding Rights)
Breeders Pick(1st pick)Limited AKC Registration $1500.oo (No Breeding Rights)
FULL AKC Registration $3500.oo(Breeding Rights)
$200.oo deposit(non-refundable, but is transferable) is required
& will be applied toward the purchase price.
Disclaimer; Breeder reserves the right to retain pick male and female from each litter,
with puppy selections of buyers being in the order in which deposits are received
after Breeders picks" (Pick of Litter puppies may be available for an additional
fee(usually $1500.oo) at Breeders discretion). All puppies are sold with non-breeding AKC Limited
registration unless otherwise agreed in writing by Breeder.
contacting me, be persistant !
be offended if I dont get right back to you, call/email again, again
& again.
I put my family & dogs first, paperwork & emails get squeezed
into the
end of my days.
breeding females seem to listen to mother nature
more than my planned
breedings .... we must follow their heat cycles, thank you for
understanding, if & when I change the order of litters, it is
of my control.
(yes, we are on our 3rd alphabet of litters)
- 21 years of Breeding GSDs-
Planned Litter
Sad news... Rosetta did not conceive when bred in November.
all her pups deposit holders were moved to the next available litter in the spring, if
you have a deposit on this litter & want a different litter,
contact me asap.
Ms Shadow tricked us and she is expecting a litter of puppies after all.
2025 Planned litters ;
Limited AKC Registration $1300.oo (No Breeding Rights)
Breeders Pick(1st pick)Limited AKC Registration $1500.oo (No Breeding Rights)
FULL AKC Registration $3500.oo(Breeding Rights)
$200.oo deposit(non-refundable, but is transferable) is required
& will be applied toward the purchase price.
"E3" puppies BORN 1/20/25
6 male puppies AVAILABLE
Chisum von Hanabrit
x Moon Shadow von Hanabrit (Augy x Zosyn) (Apollo x Pearl)

(Parents Penn-Hip GOOD & Parents & Pups Reg.
working minds with solid-medium drive Black/Tan,
plush coated pups expected. Lovable puppies ... expected!
This female line has a STRONG willingness to PLEASE,
so active families with structured training is needed for these pups.
January breeding planned
Rocco x Mocha Mist (Augy x Reba) x
(Boone x -Arya)
(Parents Penn-Hip certified & Parents & Pups Reg.
working minds with solid-medium drive Black/Tan, Black/Red, plush coated pups expected . these two dogs are our largest in the breeding program.
Large & Lovable puppies ... expected!
Gibson von Hanabrit x Raya von Hanabrit
(Moose x
(Augy x Reba)

(Parents Penn-Hip GOOD & Parents & Pups Reg.
working minds with solid-medium drive Black/Tan,
plush coated pups expected. Lovable puppies ... expected!
March breeding planned
Chisum von Hanabrit
x All That Jazz von Hanabrit (Augy x Zosyn) (Moose x Pearl)
(Parents Penn-Hip GOOD & Parents & Pups Reg.
working minds with solid-medium drive Black/Tan,
plush coated pups expected. Lovable puppies ... expected!
This female line has a STRONG willingness to PLEASE,
so active families with structured training is needed for these pups.
2025-26 Planned litters & Deposit list on future litter page
Limited AKC Registration $1300.oo (No Breeding Rights)
FULL AKC Registration $3500.oo(Breeding Rights)
$200.oo deposit(non-refundable, but is transferable) is required
& will be applied toward the purchase price.
* * * * * * * *
to see
gallery from 2018 BBQ
Annual BBQ
Annual BBQ
Annual BBQ
Activity Center
209 N. John Srtreet
Highland, MI 48357
*** Come join our Pack Social Walk Every Sunday at Noon in Milford ***
Starts in Milfords Central Park near the tennis court, then we walk through Milford for approx 1 hour. More info on Training page.
Bring a dog or not, meet some good folks & furkids, come join the pack :)
* Face book group; Firm, Fair & Fun Dog Training.

Does "Naturally Reared" Mean ?
Naturally reared means that our
dogs (and their puppies) are raised as close to how they would live and
eat in the wild,
but with human love! We feed a species appropriate diet of raw meat (no processed kibble)
and use no toxins with our dogs,
meaning no commercial flea or tick chemicals. This also
means that our dogs and their pups are raised inside our home, in a
pack environment (with their siblings and other dogs as they are
older), on clean ground (their huge outside puppy play pen),
and by having plenty of free access to fresh air, sunshine, clean
drinking water, and room for lots of exercise!
Our dogs & their
puppies are raised on a species appropriate diet of raw meat, raw bones
and raw organs.
No commercial dry kibble, canned, processed, or cooked food is fed....
this includes grains, fruits and veggies - all dogs are carnivores!
We follow the "natural prey model"
of feeding our dogs and pups!
** Join our FB Local Raw Feeding Co-op group "Hanabrit Ross-Wells Raw Orders"
& buy in Bulk at a cheaper rate Click here for more info
temperament test puppies at 7 weeks of age, to
know the puppies energy, drive and personality, to make recommendations
to help
match the puppies personality with the right family. The ultimate goal
fitting the puppy into the right environment where it is to be placed.
buyers choose their own puppies based on photos, temperament test
energy and drive, observed in the litter. I do not choose puppy for
buyers, but
do make recommendations from the information on the application and
conversations before puppy goes home.
always reserve the right to deny the
choice, if the choice is not the right puppy for the environment.
is sent home with a toy/towel with the litter mates
and moms smell on it, a comforting scent, to help get thru the first
couple of nights. Also a printed weight chart since birth, a
weekly diary of its first 8 weeks of life, 4-5 generation pedigree,
results of temperament testing, micro-chipping paperwork & tag
AKC application to register puppy.
love said puppy with daily hugs and will
send periodic (bi-yearly- minimum) updates w/photos (throughout
her/his life)
to seller. Buyer will train said puppy basic commands; sit, stay, come,
it, heal, also socialize said puppy in public a minimum of 50 times
before 1
year of age and continue training if youre so inclined. I suggest a
class, then adult classes before 2nd year of age.
also offer Breeder/Seller first refusal of
puppy if ever he/she is for sale.
Life long
advice and
support is offered to our puppy owners,
phone, email or face to face.
are socialized with
toys & tunnels, with other pack members, horses
& farm
noises before going home at 8 weeks. 
to see video- Playtime MM litter 6 wks old
this is how a great GSD breeder keeps her puppies happy till they go
home at 8 weeks.
And this also shows how important mental stimulation is to a German
because they are a thinking breed. Marie D'Amico
Do some research, click below to learn more ~
- Dr. Karen Becker; species approprite diet,
Why we Feed a Raw Dog Food?
How much do you really know
about your dog’s food? And why is everybody feeding a kibble-dry manufactured dog food ?
Why does your vet strongly recommends you
to feed your dog dry commercial food. Dog food companies have a clear,
economic interest – selling their products. They have amazing
advertising strategies and they have conquered every single corner of
the market. They offer considerable discounts to breeders who sell
their products, they are the main sponsors of dog shows, they hire high
profile people, including vets, to talk about and recommend their
Vet Associations are sponsored by pet food companies! Just take a look
at the American Veterinary Medical Association or the Australian
Veterinary Association. Why would they recommend something different if
their money comes from dog food companies? Moreover,
feeding dry commercial food to dogs usually causes digestive problems, as canines have a shorter intestinal trac than us humans
and you'll end up paying an expensive visit to your vet. I’m not saying
vets wants your dog to be sick, but they are surely interested in
having as many patients as possible, foot traffic equals money in their pockets. So, forgive me if I doubt most
vet's ethics, but I am convinced that even if they were aware of the
dangers of commercial food, they wouldn’t tell you. They would avoid
losing both their sponsorships and their patients.
Now, going back to dog food, one alternative you should really consider is species appropriate dog food, raw meat diet.
The raw food diet for dogs focuses on feeding raw meat and eliminating any processed or commercial dry dog food.
- Find a local Co-op for Raw dog food, even less expensive buying in Bulk.
Here are 10 good reasons for feeding your dog raw food:
- The
chewing required by raw meaty bones prepares the stomach for proper
digestion; Your dog will stop smelling like a dog!
- Cleaner teeth and gums, no tartar, less dental treatment.
- Healthier skin and shinier coat, no more fur loss, itching, skin rashes, irritations or very dry skin;
- Smaller, inoffensive-smelling stools.
- Less
digestive problems – dogs don’t eat grains (contained in most
commercial foods) and their digestive systems simply can’t handle these
- Less visits to your vet (less bills).
- Puppies follow their natural course of growing, without having bursts of growth provoked by some commercial foods;
- Dogs live longer healthier lives on a raw diet than dogs on commercial foods.
- You
pay less. You may be under the impression that feeding raw can affect
your budget, but if you come to draw a line, taking into account the
vet’s bills and the fact that the so-called high-quality premium dog
foods are very expensive, you might realize that a raw diet is far
Dogs are carnivores, they need protein, its that simple.
your dog pure ingredients which are easily digestible is the ultimate
way to go for your pet’s overall nutrition. Since you
know now that dogs CAN'T digest grains and starches and that
they CAN digest protein, starting a healthy raw diet should be
Below is
a basic feeding guide...
increase or decrease portions based upon the
age & health of your dog.
Puppies under 6 months: 4.5% of puppy's weight, feed 3 times daily Puppies over 6 months: 3.5% of puppy's weight, feed 2-3 times daily Maintain adult weight: 2.5% of dog's weight, feed 1-2 times daily Gain weight on adult: 3% of weight, feed 1-2 times daily Weight loss on adult: 2% of weight, feed 1-2 times daily Pregnant female: 3.5% of weight, feed 1-2 times daily Nursing female: 6-8% of weight depending on the size of litter, feed 1-4 times daily How
to calculate: if your dog weighs 70lbs in order to maintain weight
calculate 70 x .025=1.75lbs PER DAY, for 2 portions divide by 2.
Remember to adjust accordingly.
- Ross-Wells/ Medford meats Co-op is where we get our puppy & adult raw diet from, if interested, contact me.
Flea & Tick preventative; I will NOT use spot on's / chemical insecticides on adults or puppies.
There are many natural alternitives.
.....long life starts with eliminating insecticide use.
- We apply holistic options like essential oils & herbs instead of chemicals on or in our dogs.
- ask us how to choose healthier options for your furkids.

Video of why we like NuVet suppliments for our furkids - NuVet Labs Been using these products since 2008, please use our code when ordering 61208.
Plus 15% off when clicking auto-ship. 800-474-7044
More than mere vitamins, NuVetŪ goes beyond industry standards by using
natural, human-grade ingredients that are microscopically tested for
purity and potency. We then utilize a FDA registered laboratory for
formulation and specially compound using state-of-the-art manufacturing
techniques. "To make the highest quality nutritional pet supplement
on the market today and to ensure that our product will fight diseases
at their core while providing the ingredients vital to sustaining
health and quality of life for your pets in their years to come."
the highest quality dog foods are cooked and the heat destroys much of
the vital nutrients that are crucial to good health. Much like a human
living on processed foods, animals
thrive on a nutrient dense diet.
PROTECTS and STRENGTHENS A Natural-POWERFUL immune system builder; not a vitamin.
synergistic blend of more than 30 ingredients and nutrients make it the
most complete immune system support supplement available. When any of
us (animal or human) has a healthy immune
system, we typically live a longer, higher quality life! Healthy cells =
healthy body
NO grains, no added sugars, no artificial fillers, no artificial
binders, and no artificial flavors. This provides a superior treat
replacement since so many foods and
treats contain harmful ingredients such as soy, sweeteners, fillers and
artificial flavors...
AND EFFECTIVE: Manufactured in the USA in an FDA registered, human
pharmaceutical laboratory (that's a strict as human Rx are made!)
of in the pet supplement industry. This strict manufacturing process
requires every ingredient to be microscopically tested to ensure quality
and maximum potency. Recall reports
show many products don't contain what's printed on the label and often
contain harmful ingredients.
Flawless record and hundreds of testimonials: That's a BIG deal if you check out
http://www.petfoodrecall.org/ hundreds of recalls on treats and foods!
because it's in the store or on-line doesn't mean it's safe OR
beneficial and can be harmful if not manufactured like NuVet.
enough for you or me to eat! So called "animal or feed grade" allows
for a manufacturer to include by-products, chemicals, fillers and meats
from dying or diseased animals;
something NuVet Labs would never allow or condone.
If not human grade who knows what it really contains. Not worth the risk!
keeping their immune system at peak performance our pets are better
equipped to stay healthy for the long run. It’s mostly water soluble and
food based, making it almost impossible
for a pet to overdose. It's also safe to take with medications.
it or return it. NuVet stands behind their products with a 60-day, 100%
satisfaction guarantee or your money back! No questions asked.
Nothing to lose and see how it has helped many other pet families!
AFFORDABLE .52 cents a day or $16.00 a month on auto ship.
SIGNIFICANTLY less than 1 major vet bill!
Help Heal and Protect your Pet – for life!
NuVet Plus heals and protects against the ravages of free radicals that attack your pet throughout its life. I
highly recommend it! I believe so much in this product that it is
now a requirement to provide to all my puppies.
Labs™ main purpose is to help increase your pet’s longevity and quality
of life. Our products, NuVet Plus™ for Canines and NuVet Plus™ for
Felines, provide the very best human-grade, natural ingredients
available and utilize the latest advances in medical, veterinary and
nutritional science. We pledge to adhere to the highest standards in
products and services. Our goal is to maintain a lasting and caring
relationship with our family of NuVet Plus™ customers and their pets
they love. Our
scientists, veterinarians and formulators began with the premise that
most pet diets are lacking the
proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. There are
important nutrients that animals once received when they were living in
a more primitive environment that are not available in the modern diet.
Commercial pet foods contain numerous by-products
that can make them poisonous, toxic and incapable of reducing the
devastating effects of unstable oxygen molecules, also known as “free
radicals.” Free radicals have been implicated in more than fifty health
problems in humans and animals including various forms of cancer, heart
disease, arthritis, cataracts and premature aging. After
extensive testing with many different combinations of ingredients, our
scientists formulated NuVet Plus™. We believe, based on the most
current medical, veterinarian and nutritional reports, NuVet Plus™ will
combat the onslaught of free radicals in our companion pets. This
unique formula consists of precise amounts of vitamins, minerals and
high-potency antioxidants that when combined, create a synergistic and
powerful boost to the immune system. TO ORDER CALL: 800-474-7044 YOU WILL NEED ORDER CODE #: 61208 OR go to the NuVet site directly http://www.nuvet.com/61208 Scientifically Formulated to Provide Everything Your Pet Needs For Perfect Health! NuVet Plus & NuJoint- Vitamin Supplement for dogs *Bottle of 90 wafers* Dosage: 1 wafer per day for dogs 5 lbs and over. 1/2 wafer if under 5 lbs. Fully
safe and
NuVet Plus helps prolong the life of your dog and cat and eliminates
most ailments - Allergies
- Skin and Coat Problems
- Scratching, Itching, Biting
- Hot Spots
- Arthritis and Joint Problems
- Premature Aging
- Low Energy Levels
- Diabetes and Liver Problems
- Cataracts and Tumors
- Digestive Problems
- Tearing
- Heart Disease
Secret: Thousands of the nation’s top breeders use NuVet PlusŪ to keep
their puppies, kittens, breeding females and males so healthy! Revolutionary product, affordable– natural, water soluble GUARANTEED – No sugars or fillers GUARANTEED –
We use real chicken liver – not cooked, but instead it’s paddle dried
by our patented process to preserve its Omega Fatty Acids GUARANTEED – Not heat treated (heat destroys vitamins A, E & B1) – it’s why NuVet Plus wafers crumble easily GUARANTEED –
So pure it’s produced in an FDA (human-grade) manufacturing
facility (virtually unheard of in the pet industry because of the
high cost / monitoring required) Our
team of Veterinarians, Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nutritional
Scientists took eight years to develop this revolutionary product On the market for over 13 years/ We’re one of the oldest US pet supplement companies MONEY BACK GUARANTEE –
Call now to order this revolutionary product. If this isn’t the most
incredible pet supplement you’ve ever had, we’ll give you your money
back! Helps Heal Current Problems – and Protects the Life and Health of Your Pet – Starting Today!
Not available in stores – CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-800-474-7044 – Order Code: 61208
- Ross-Wells meats
Co-op is where we get our puppy & adult raw diet from, if
interested, contact me, or go to Our Facebook Link .
- I guarantee hips
temperament in writing as
long as you DONT spay or neuter your pup until age
two years.
- Large,
straight backed, old-style German shepherds
- All puppies
Micro-chipped, vaccinated & de-wormed before going to new homes.
I will not use spot on's or
chemical insecticides on adults or puppies.
There are many natural alternitives.
.....long life starts with
eliminating insecticide use.
are raised in our
home, Bio Sensor/Super dog program administered (These
5 exercises impact the neurological system by kicking it into
action earlier than would be normally expected. The result being an
capacity that later will help to make the difference in its
performance. Those
who play with their pups and routinely handle them should continue to
do so
because the neurological exercises are not substitutions for routine
play socialization or bonding. Five benefits have been observed in
canines that
were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:
cardio vascular performance (heart rate)
heart beats,
adrenal glands,
tolerance to stress
resistance to disease
tests of learning, stimulated pups were found to be more
active and were more exploratory than their non- stimulated littermates
which they were dominant in competitive situations.).
are wormed twice, micro-chipped and vaccinated
before going to new homes.
temperament test puppies at 7 weeks of age, to
know the puppies energy, drive and personality, to make recommendations
to help
match the puppies personality with the right family. The ultimate goal
fitting the puppy into the right environment where it is to be placed.
buyers choose their own puppies based on photos, temperament test
energy and drive, observed in the litter. I do not choose puppy for
buyers, but
do make recommendations from the information on the application and
conversations before puppy goes home.
always reserve the right to deny the
choice, if the choice is not the right puppy for the environment.
is sent home with a toy/towel with the litter mates
and moms smell on it, a comforting scent, to help get thru the first
couple of nights. Also a printed weight chart since birth, a
weekly diary of its first 8 weeks of life, 4-5 generation pedigree,
results of temperament testing, micro-chipping paperwork & tag
AKC/UKC application to register puppy.
love said puppy with daily hugs and will
send periodic (bi-yearly- minimum) updates w/photos (throughout
her/his life)
to seller. Buyer will train said puppy basic commands; sit, stay, come,
it, heal, also socialize said puppy in public a minimum of 50 times
before 1
year of age and continue training if youre so inclined. I suggest a
class, then adult class before 2nd year of age,
also offer Breeder/Seller first refusal of
puppy if ever he/she is for sale.
Life long
advice and
support is offered to our puppy owners,
phone, email or face to face.
"He is your friend, your partner,
your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader. He
will be yours, faithful and
true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such
-- Unknown
standard of the German Shepherd Dog has changed very little
from the original written by von Stephanitz in 1899: "to breed
Shepherds is to breed working dogs." What follows is the standard of
the World Union of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) that was established
under the auspices of the SV. There has been a movement toward greater
uniformity in the standard. There is still nothing that will help you
decide what the length of croup should be, or whether a dog is
over-angulated in the rear.
Keep in mind that the original use of the German Shepherd Dog (GSD) was
that of a herding dog, and required that the structure was necessary to
trot with ease and endurance. Since it acted as a mobile fence to keep
the flock away from adjacent crops in a largely unfenced countryside.
Because of this, it had to move at a relatively fluent, even pace, with
a minimal wear and tear on the dog's physique. The Shepherd also had to
be able to stand for a reasonable time without tiring. The body weight
must be correctly distributed and supported by his limbs. Any weakness
in the ligaments and joints force the body to compensate and
consequently lead to a loss of endurance must be faulted.
Neutering, and the age at which a dog is
neutered, may affect the animals risk for developing certain cancers
and joint diseases, according to a new study of golden retrievers
,,,,,,,,,, all breeds
retriever study suggests neutering affects dog health :: UC Davis News
& Information
and the age at which a dog is neutered, may affect the animals risk
NuVet Labs
If you want to hear our story regarding this super food,
please contact me. Or call New Earth and start feeling better NOW.
Tell them Judy Long in Highland, MI. sent you... code #2296378
has helped many family members & friends with simple things as
heart burn, hang overs, indigestion, ear infections and even
strengthening emmune systems to fight & win against cancer.
New Earth; The Real Deal. No Compromise - Our company and culture grow
directly out of the values inherent in our core products. Authenticity.
Excellence. Legacy. After all, algae and fungi are no fad or pop
nutrition trend. They are the real deal, the original superfoods.
They've been here since the beginning of life on earth. We take those
values as our own. Our no-compromise stand on the quality and integrity
of our products extends to everything we do, from our
multimillion-dollar manufacturing facilities to our videos to our
customer service.
Hanabrit German Shepherds we feed
NuVet & New Earth products to all our dogs & horses !
The senior dogs get NuVet extra
joint health.
ONLY a raw natural Prey drive diet of
meats/bone/organ to our dogs. Puppies & parents are
raised on a species appropriate
Raw diet.
/google Dr Karen Becker for video explaining why a Species Specific
diet is recommended.
Zignature, Taste of the Wild PREY or Victor
are good kibble choices, but have not fed kibble here for 12+ years.
Dog Food Project Site!
above link is an awesome resource in
understanding the current controversy and ingredients inside most
brands of available pet dog food. So much has changed so rapidly in the
area of canine nutrition, and continues to do so. Some insist BARF is
the safest way to go in light of all the controversy. We Feed
a Natural Raw
diet - If one must feed a dry manufatured kibble, we
suggest a HIGH quality kibble such as Breeder's
Choice Pinnacle or Taste Of The Wild and recommend you do
homework and provide a quality diet to avoid a host of issues poor
nutrition can cause. In light of the horrors of last year's recalls, we
know any old kibble won't do! For those not convinced by the
fact that there is not a single tooth in a dog's head meant to grind
grain possibly being a good reason to consider grains may not be the
best primary protein source, or for just insuring optimal vitality, we
recommend NuVet, an excellent supplement, digestive enzymes &
coconut oil & fish oils.