In America
Firm, Fair & Fun
Dog Training
All Breed Dog Training
Dear clients/friends,
let us know if we can help
in anyway;
post questions/concerns on the facebook group(Firm, Fair & Fun Dog Training) and I will
answer asap.
Firm, Fair & Fun Dog Training on Facebook
Thank you for your support-
Love you all- Judy
I'm anything but the normal
dog trainer;
believe having puppies/teenagers with the advanced dogs in the same class, this
teaches all the four legged students how to behave in a natural pack
pups learn by watching the calmer energy of the older dogs and the
older dogs learn to tolerate
ignore the energy of the puppies.
Find us on Face Book
come have some fun with us!
My classes are drop in when ya can, not a 6-8 week sessions.
I teach the students that attend, 4 -10.
After a quick Q & A, I help each student at what ever level
they are at and
I strive to move you & your dog forward to the next level, at
your speed.
My goal for every student is to pass the CGC & advanced CGCs,
then on to off leash OB & rally novice & advanced rally(off leash).
If just to build a
stronger bond with you & your dog or to compete at
a rally competition, your choice, just learn to have fun
with your dog.
Come one, come all, dog training class we go!!!
All advanced classes are drop-in and $20.oo each dog.
Bring vaccine records to
first class. No flex leashes, no harness'.
*Agility will start in May*
*Puppy Classes @ Highland Activity Center 5pm/check claendar for next session*
Class will cover the items on the CGC tests, Therapy tests & advanced social skills.
CGC is a ten-skill training program
that’s open to all dogs–purebred and mixed breed–that focuses on
teaching the basics of good manners and obedience, instilling the values
of responsible ownership, and strengthening the bond between you and
your dog at home and out in the community.
******************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************
GROUP Class 6pm-7pm
(Must know
basic commands)
which we do Obedience, socializing & manners
training & rally.
Lessons will include basic/advanced commands, manners,
socializing skills, care
& grooming tips.
Also off leash for students as they advance.
**************Milford Social Pack Walk - *************** Every Sunday year round, unless its below 25* degrees.
2025 Sunday training class 11am-noon
CHECK Calendar Starts April 2025
Dates of NO Sunday Class;
April (Easter Sunday)
May (Mothers day)
June (Fathers Day)

Appointments available for a private lesson
Long has 40+
years of dog training experience.
As a teenager, I was a dog
before I even knew what it was called. I have always had the
"touch" with animals, grooming with the President of the
Michigan Grooming Association at Puff-n-Fluff , Waterford, MI. back in
80's, then was a manager of the grooming/boarding facility at DePorre'
hospital in Birmingham, MI.
Training dogs of many breeds with
calm and
gentle hand, to teach manners and basic obedience. Since 1992, I have
training, showing and breeding Horses & German
Shepherds. I have titled
myShepherds in AKC Obedience-Rally, Canine Good Citizens and Therapy
dogs, to
give back to the community where I have lived my entire
life and raised our family.
18+ years we
have been seen in
Highland and Milford
during the Farmers Market, Music in the Park and Sunday afternoons,
during our
socializing walks with our dogs. Milford is very dog friendly, it is
such a
pleasure, utilizing the stores, elevator and stairwells, it helps our
dogs in
training and the younger pups to be good canine citizens with manners,
and greeting people and other dogs in town.
The Hanabrit
Milford Sunday Pack Walk
puppy social walk started 18+ years ago and it has matured into this...
Milford has welcomed us and I would like to keep it that way. Please
follow these guidelines;
Allow your dog to potty before & after the walk, never allowing
potty or mark on main street, if at all possible. Always carry
baggies to pick up after your dog.
Extendable leashes are not allowed. 4-6 foot leashes
are safest to use. Properly
fit collars, slip/prong/flat, so dogs have the ability to learn. NO
halti's or harnesses allowed.
Control your dog at all times, keep a safe circle around you and your
dog. Do Not enter into other's safe circle, unless asked.
No Nose to Nose dog greetings allowed.
Walk single file while in town, allowing others to pass by, we
don't want to be sidewalk hogs.
This is a FREE controlled social walk, while obedience,
& socializing are performed from time to time to help our
dogs to learn good manners, this is not a
class. If more
training is wanted, please check this website for group classes.
If you need help, PLEASE ASK !
ALL breeds of dogs are welcome.
Any Rude, unfriendly comments or abusive actions seen, you will be
asked to leave.
Have a Blessed day
Dog Training Testimonial:
Judy has shown
me the magic
connection between animal and owner; her innate ability to read the
both of us,
is the guiding force gentle and positive training. Her methods, skills
intuition is making my precious 1 year old German
shepherd dog in
training a welcome and appreciated family pet.
Kathie Hammes Ph.D.
Loki and I
would not be where we
are today if it weren't for Judy and Mona. Sixteen months ago he was a
frightening reactive dog that I feared would have to be locked in the
Now he has his CGC and TDI and I know that he is capable of much, much
more. Thank you both for teaching me how to teach him and
expanding our
bond. He's my boy!! Laura
I have a story I would like to share with the hope that it helps at least one other Hanabrit puppy owner or prompts one to contact our breeder, Judy, who truly is always there for the best interest of the pups and for the owners, to help in any way possible. Indi and I are living proof of Judy's dedication. So, Indi is two years old, a Bear x Zena cross. Indi and I drove from Montana to Michigan in September, 2017 to pick up our second Hanabrit pup, a Titan x Roane son we named Duncan. Before coming out, I had mentioned to Judy a few concerns I had with Indi....starting with her not being the least bit friendly. I'll be honest, I was afraid of what might happen with her and a puppy and that I wouldn't be taking Duncan home after all. But, Judy asked me to trust her (which I always have) and assured me all would be well. We arrive at Judy's on a Monday morning, I take Indi out of my truck (on leash of course) and I honestly thought she was going to eat Judy for breakfast! This is how she had been acting for quite some time, and honestly it seemed to be getting worse instead of better. My heart was breaking as I did not understand why this beautiful happy girl (with me) was being so aggressive (my word of description) towards others. I had been thinking for quite awhile that perhaps I should use a prong collar on her, however, I had never used one, didn't know how to properly fit one, and had no one to help me with that where I am at in Montana. Regardless, I knew if help was to be had, I'd get the proper help and guidance from Judy. So once Judy observed Indi's reaction when I took her out of the truck, she got me a prong collar and walked me through putting it on, etc. ONE correction and the light bulb started to flicker! Within a very short time, Indi and I were walking down Judy's driveway and road side by side with Judy and Dillon! How is this possible? First of all, remember I said "aggressive" was my word of description? It was, but that was NOT the proper terminology. Once I understood the difference between aggression in a dog and a dog being reactive to situations, (thanks of course to Judy describing the difference!) I knew what I was dealing with, but more importantly, I knew I had been feeding Indi's reactiveness without even realizing it. WOW! I didn't have an aggressive dog, I had a reactive dog! I didn't have a dog who was bad by nature, I had a dog I was making bad without even realizing it! After walking more miles than I thought I ever could in one day - on pathways where bicyclists were whizzing by in both directions, joggers were passing in both directions, people walking with or without dogs in both directions, side by side with Judy and Dillon, in and out of stores, stopping for lunch at a sidewalk cafe, walking down sidewalks of busy streets all on day one, I can honestly say without a flicker of doubt, all of what was going on with Indi was going down the leash from myself to her. I can now look back at life with Indi and remember so many situations that, without my realizing it at the time, led to getting this reactive dog that I wouldn’t think of taking out in public. That sentence in itself is a perfect example - I wasn’t trusting her and she was reacting to that! This big “light bulb” moment was brought on by Judy asking the right questions, pointing out key actions I was or was not making, and I think most importantly my willingness to have an open mind and be able to not only realize, but to admit, I was to blame - NOT Indi! I spent four fantastic days doing things/going places with Indi that I honestly did not think would ever be possible. As my confidence restored and built, so did Indi’s. Now we are back home in Montana and I take her for walks down the street and know all is going to be fine. She will certainly be going to town with me when I am going to places I know she can go with me. I’ll have to flip a coin to determine if it is her turn or Duncan’s turn! The reason I decided to share my story is to let everyone know that Judy doesn’t just say the words “I’m always here if you have questions” - she lives by those words. Another reason I wanted to share is to let you know that when you think “my dog is so —“ (fill in the bad behavior) remember the dog only knows what we teach it. Be open and honest with yourself first, then take that openness and honesty to Judy for help. You will become a better handler and your pup will become a lot happier. “Don’t just stop the behavior - correct the behavior”. Those are words spoken to me by Judy that have stuck with me and always will. Because of you, Judy Long, I am a better handler, Indi is a happier girl, and Duncan will surely reap the benefits.
& Violet (P) Becca-Derek &
Nash(P) Mike & Moose(ADV)
Keith & Kona(ADV)
& Lazarus(P) Judy &
Reba(P) Jill & Roxas(P)
Angela & Strider (ADV) Lisa & Tara(P) Judy&Pearl(CGC,CGCA) Dad & Tucker (CGC)
Phylis & Major Hanabrit (P) Jessie &Bella Hanabrit (P) Anne & Roxy Hanabrit (P)
& Jessie
Melissa &
Lori & Gia (P)

social class at
Karma running the A frame
Henry & Xander
Judy & Dillon Rally legs,
Ashley & Jack RN, RA,
w/ Abby Road
S.T.A.R. puppy, C.G.C, RN, RA,
k9 Advanced Class Grad
S.T.A.R. puppy class 2014
Mike & Gretchen service dog Judy & Belle CGC
to see a Group training
Firm, Fair & Fun dog training at the Highland
Activity Center 209 N. John Srtreet Highland, MI 48357
& surrounding cities ....
pictures of classes
pictures of classes
pictures of training
pictures of training
our dogs in different locations is very important to strengthen our bond with our K9 furkids.
am bursting with pride ...... all my students do me proud, but in the
first video below, this team of a 14 month old Hanabrit
pup and her rock star mom Julie, surprises
me with their weekly improvements, her hard work, that I call homework
shines thru in their bond........
thank you Judy Thankfully, we have an awesome
trainer to teach, guide and
encourage us...and then there is the solid breeding
videos of training
stay / walk over lesson
fun in Highland
Jim & Judy Long
1867 Pettibone Lk Rd
Highland, MI 48356
email -